John Adler's Statement on Congress' Failure to Pass the Bailout Bill


Date: Sept. 29, 2008
Location: Mt. Laurel, NJ

John Adler's Statement on Congress' Failure to Pass the Bailout Bill

John Adler released the following statement regarding Congress' failure to pass the bailout bill today:

"What occurred in Washington today underscores the need for new leadership and an end to the partisan finger-pointing that poisons our system. The American taxpayers deserve an expedient, responsible response to the economic crisis, and both parties need to put aside their petty differences and get the job done. Congress must pass a bill that puts our financial system in order while providing the safeguards required to protect taxpayers from bearing the brunt of this turmoil.

Although it is clear that the dire financial situation we find ourselves in was a direct consequence of House Republicans refusing to help clean up the mess that President Bush and Wall Street have created, both parties are obligated to find a solution that serves all Americans, creates sensible oversight, and ensures this never happens again.

Tomorrow is a new day. I am calling on Republicans and Democrats alike to get their act together for the good of the country and ensure that our families are protected as well as our financial institutions."
